Saturday, March 28, 2009

8th Jam: The Build-up

Date: 3/25/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
John: Guitar
Ryan: Guitar

Kevin C. caught the sickness, but we were able to get John back in the groove. Continued to work the Stooge outro. We've made it a 14-beat figure, but over the standard 8-beat Stooge groove, we're looking at 56 beats to sync up again. It's a work in progress.

Tomorrow's making some progress. Added a rhythm figure switching between the minor and major third for the main theme. Doing some different things with distortion coming out of the second refrain through the bridge, then again after the stop, which is adding some depth to the song. I'd love to hear how drums is going to sound behind this one...

Thinking the best way to go with the door is to pick rock or swing and stick with it. I'm thinking if we go rock, we'd want to remove the 6/4 bars, but we haven't worked through that in a while.

Adding I Miss You for next week?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

7th Jam: Core

Date: 3/18/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
Ryan: Guitar/Drums

Kevin C bailed late on this one. I was a little worried about being productive and having Mike drive all the way out here, but it was a very good session. We started with Tomorrow. After a run-through, we started moving it from its acoustic origins into a more dynamic full-band sound using a broad distorted sound for certain sections. I played with the third on the E chord, switching from minor to major within the measure.

The Door also got its mandatory update. I'm not sure why, but its the most malleable song I've ever dealt with. Anyway, I started with my new choppy intro (which no one is sold on yet), and tried to transition from a slower swing to a driving rock beat at the end. We're not quite there yet.

Ended the night on Stooge. I jumped on drums, and Mike worked through the locrian hemiola. I think he's got it. I hope he's got it, because I didn't really have a chance to practice it on guitar. Anyway, there's an opportunity to foreshadow the figure as a fill earlier in the song. I think we figured out that it works if you rest on 1 for the fill and start on 1 for the repeated figure, but we'll have to revisit. Mike also had a different bassline going at one point, so we'll see how to work that in.

At some point I also need to get serious about harmonizing the vocals...or get serious about having Kevin do it!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jaunty Demo 1

Was watching a little NCAA basketball and had a couple ideas for lyrics for Jaunty. I wouldn't recommend hitting mute, sticking a mic near your acoustic, playing through it once, and calling it a demo, but it worked. I'm getting better with track editing, as I cut a few repeats out of the song.

I think I'll need to re-arrange the song, possibly add a minor segment.

6th Jam: Maintainance Jam

Date: 3/12/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
Ann: Keys
Ryan: Guitar/Vocals

Came back from Austin Wednesday night, but I didn't want to go three weeks between rehearsals, so Thursday night it is. Mike got stuck in traffic, which gave me plenty of time to bother Ann into showing. She wanted dinner in return, and got ice-cream and beer. Pretty close.

Had a few ideas on how to start the Door. Two guitars would be nice, but I did like Mike taking the lead guitar idea and playing it on bass.

Mike's got the feel for Far Side, which allows us to hold it together without drums, usually a dubious task.

Whipped through Stooge, played a little Tomorrow. Since Ann was there, I jumped on the drums and we played through Fresh Air a couple of times.

Touched on Jaunty and The Cowboy Song. This reminds me that I need to name tracks before Ann weighs in on what they're to be called...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No Jam Tonight

We had a couple of conflicts tonight, so no rocking. But I'm looking for a webpage for the exact quote from the scene in Boogie Nights where Dirk Diggler pitches his idea for Brock Landers and Chest Rockwell to Jack Horner in the van. It's kinda funny when I use my Mark Wahlberg voice to say "that's not cool. That's not sexy" in response to something I don't like, but if I knew more of that monologue: now that would be something. tonight's not a total waste.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

5th Jam: Peanut Butter Only

Date: 2/25
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
Kevin C: Drums
Ryan: Guitar/Vocals

All bidness this week. Mike, Kevin M, and I worked through the door a bit. When Kevin C showed up, we worked Stooge a bit, then Far Side, then the Door. Kevin C then had to take off, and we worked Tomorrow without drums.