Sunday, March 15, 2009

6th Jam: Maintainance Jam

Date: 3/12/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
Ann: Keys
Ryan: Guitar/Vocals

Came back from Austin Wednesday night, but I didn't want to go three weeks between rehearsals, so Thursday night it is. Mike got stuck in traffic, which gave me plenty of time to bother Ann into showing. She wanted dinner in return, and got ice-cream and beer. Pretty close.

Had a few ideas on how to start the Door. Two guitars would be nice, but I did like Mike taking the lead guitar idea and playing it on bass.

Mike's got the feel for Far Side, which allows us to hold it together without drums, usually a dubious task.

Whipped through Stooge, played a little Tomorrow. Since Ann was there, I jumped on the drums and we played through Fresh Air a couple of times.

Touched on Jaunty and The Cowboy Song. This reminds me that I need to name tracks before Ann weighs in on what they're to be called...

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