Saturday, March 28, 2009

8th Jam: The Build-up

Date: 3/25/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
John: Guitar
Ryan: Guitar

Kevin C. caught the sickness, but we were able to get John back in the groove. Continued to work the Stooge outro. We've made it a 14-beat figure, but over the standard 8-beat Stooge groove, we're looking at 56 beats to sync up again. It's a work in progress.

Tomorrow's making some progress. Added a rhythm figure switching between the minor and major third for the main theme. Doing some different things with distortion coming out of the second refrain through the bridge, then again after the stop, which is adding some depth to the song. I'd love to hear how drums is going to sound behind this one...

Thinking the best way to go with the door is to pick rock or swing and stick with it. I'm thinking if we go rock, we'd want to remove the 6/4 bars, but we haven't worked through that in a while.

Adding I Miss You for next week?

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