Thursday, March 19, 2009

7th Jam: Core

Date: 3/18/09
Location: Mt Prospect Studios

Mike: Bass
Kevin M: Vocals
Ryan: Guitar/Drums

Kevin C bailed late on this one. I was a little worried about being productive and having Mike drive all the way out here, but it was a very good session. We started with Tomorrow. After a run-through, we started moving it from its acoustic origins into a more dynamic full-band sound using a broad distorted sound for certain sections. I played with the third on the E chord, switching from minor to major within the measure.

The Door also got its mandatory update. I'm not sure why, but its the most malleable song I've ever dealt with. Anyway, I started with my new choppy intro (which no one is sold on yet), and tried to transition from a slower swing to a driving rock beat at the end. We're not quite there yet.

Ended the night on Stooge. I jumped on drums, and Mike worked through the locrian hemiola. I think he's got it. I hope he's got it, because I didn't really have a chance to practice it on guitar. Anyway, there's an opportunity to foreshadow the figure as a fill earlier in the song. I think we figured out that it works if you rest on 1 for the fill and start on 1 for the repeated figure, but we'll have to revisit. Mike also had a different bassline going at one point, so we'll see how to work that in.

At some point I also need to get serious about harmonizing the vocals...or get serious about having Kevin do it!

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