Sunday, February 8, 2009

It is Growing

The shipment came in two parts. The set of microphones and stands came Thursday, whereas the rest had to be signed for on Friday. What a tease.

The Phonic Powerpod 780 Plus and two Phonic S715's came Friday afternoon. The most bang for the very least amount of buck. You never know when you will need a system that can pump out 500 watts of rock, but I hope that exact situation happens to me soon.

Still getting the hang of the powered-mixer. It looks like there's a monitor bus and a main bus, but I'm not sure if its set up to handle stereo recording. I at least have a way to get 6 mics mixed down into two input channels. I set up 4 mics to record the drums for a rough cut of Crazy Days. Did it sound better? Not sure. I was able to get a clearer snare sound, but it involved having a mic all in my junk, so it's probably not a long term solution.

Looking forward to the next jam. Kevin M. is out this week, so I might have the pick up the singing duties to break in the PA. Hmmm, I'd better learn the lyrics to my own songs...

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