Monday, February 23, 2009

What To Do Next

So I have Windows Vista, and I want to use it and not be one of the millions that complains about it, but...

I had a list of tracks that I wanted to develop on the notes gadget on the sidebar. The notes gadget comes with Vista; it's not like the creepy, virus-laden gadgets that you can download from Windows site. Anyway, it's crashed twice and I've lost the data I have on it.

So, time to list my thoughts here. Next up is a vocals/lyrics/guitar solo remake of "Skin Deep." I've also wanted to get lyrics onto the trippy little song in F# I've been kicking around for 5 years. There's the track that Ann titled "Jaunty" to my dismay. "Save Me", "Found You", "Angel" and "Crazy Days" all in various states of completion as well.

I wouldn't mind new lyrics to "Damaged Goods," either...

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